Aspiration · Resilience · Opportunity · Excellence
Aspiration, Resilience, Opportunity, Excellence, is our ethos. These four pillars underpin all we do and drive us forward as one learning community.
We have the privilege to be able to teach and learn, as an 11-16 Academy, in a £26 million building. Woodlands School is proud to serve the people of Basildon and we are constantly striving to be better. We are focused on ensuring academic excellence for all our youngsters, allowing them the opportunity to thrive at further and higher education.
Today our Year 8 pupils took part in a Department for Work and Pensions workshop that supports them with selecting their Options. The workshop is designed to allow pupils to explore the careers that their intended options can lead to. This was an exciting opportunity for pupils.
16 January
Many thanks to The Round Table for the extremely generous donation of presents for our most in need pupils. You have made such a difference and we are very grateful!
19 December
Last night we had our first Alumni evening! We invited some of our ex youngsters back, Daniel P, Angelo, Matt, Gideon, Kelvin, Samiyah, Logan, Bethany, Hallie, Vithusha, Maliah, Lili-Mae, Rachael, Daniel G and Harry to hear about their incredible achievements post Woodlands.
19 December
Year 8 Consultation Evening will take place on Thursday 16th January 4.00pm-7.00pm. Please book all appointments with teachers via SchoolCloud. SchoolCloud will close 11.55pm on the 5th January.
19 December
On Friday 25th October, our Year 10 Triple science pupils visited Anglia Ruskin University science festival. The pupils were praised for how well they engaged with the activities and for their contributions during the day.
05 December
Christmas Card Decorating Competition Mr Wright would like you to design some unique Christmas cards with prizes to be won! Please hand in your design on A4 paper to reception before lunchtime on Friday the 29th of November 2024. The deadline is Friday 29th November 2024!
11 November
Dear Ex Year 11 pupils! GCSE Certificate Collection will take place in the atrium on Wednesday, 27th of November 2024 between 5.30pm and 6.30pm
11 November
Anti-Bullying Week On Tuesday 12th November a doughnut sale will be held in the atrium at break time. It is cash only!
08 November