At Woodlands School we take safeguarding incredibly seriously, it is the single most important consideration of all of it's staff members and visitors. We work together to ensure that every member of the community is safe and therefore able to thrive in a nurturing environment where barriers to learning and engagement are removed,
Our pastoral care reaches the highest standard. All of our young people have a form tutor and Head of Year to support them, offering information, advice and guidance throughout their time with us. This is complimented by a dedicated safeguarding team, Assistant Heads of Year, internal counsellors and our work with external agencies.
We believe in educating our young people and community members in the best ways to keep safe and work tirelessly to ensure that our provision is current, robust and supportive.
Our Designated Safeguarding Team Lead is Mr Riste
If you are ever concerned about the safety of yourself or another student please refer this to the school’s safeguarding team through the staff members below. Your concerns will be taken seriously and may require a follow up conversation. You can also contact the Essex Children and Families Hub on 0345 603 7627.
For concerns please email:
At Woodlands School we want all of our young people to be safe. All of the staff receive up to date child protection and safeguarding training.
Environment of equality
Keeping Safe…
Tips for keeping safe at home
- All children have the right to grow up in a safe, healthy and happy household free from physical, emotional and sexual abuse, and neglect.
- Physical abuse is when someone hurts or harms someone on purpose.
- Emotional abuse is the continual emotional mistreatment and can involve trying to scare, humiliate, isolate or ignore.
- Sexual abuse is when a child is forced or tricked into sexual activity. It can be contact (sexual touching, forced sexual activity) or non-contact (shown pornography, sharing and making images, online sexual activity.)
- Neglect is continued failure of the parent to provide food, shelter, clothing, medical care or supervision
Please see our Harmful Sexual Behaviour/Peer on Peer Abuse Policy below for more information.
The resources include Parents & Carers courses, online video resources and weekly guides covering a huge range of topics, to create your account, please follow and complete your details. When you’re set up, you’ll be able to set ‘Parent/Carer’ as your user type, which gives you access to all the resources.
You can access National Online Safety online via any device- including via smartphone app.
CEOP works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. We protect children from harm online and offline, directly through NCA led operations and in partnership with local and international agencies.
Please click on the link below for some useful and crucial information from UK Safer Internet Centre with regards to smartphones, gaming devices, tablets and other internet-connected devices:-
National free and confidential advice for all young people aged up to 19. Can be accessed for free by calling 0800 1111
National Domestic Violence Helpline Refuge (Click Here)
Support and information for women and children who are experiencing violence, or have experienced violence in the past
A national website set up to provide counselling, advice and support to remove oneself from domestic abuse. It is for anyone forced to change their behaviour because they are frightened of their partner or ex-partner’s reactions.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of age, background, gender, religion, sexuality or ethnicity. However, statistics show most domestic abuse is carried out by men and experienced by women. Help for those that are experiencing domestic abuse.
24hour free telephone line: tel: 0808 2000 247
Useful Links:
Online counselling and support for all Young People
Internet Matters - Parental Controls (Click Here)
A useful site that supports parents to put appropriate controls on phones, tablets and laptops
A website that provides information and advice on online relationships
Disrespect Nobody (Click Here)
A campaign to help young people understand what a healthy relationship looks like.
An organisation that exists to promote the needs and rights of women and girls who have experienced sexual violence