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Raw Knowledge in collaboration with Tassomai

RAW Knowledge in collaboration with Tassomai

‘Thinking School’

At Woodlands, we want to develop your thinking schools. We want you all to develop effective long-term memories so you can start applying your understanding in increasingly unique contexts acquiring the higher order thinking skills of analysis and evaluation important not only for success at Woodlands, but also success in later life. This is how we intend to do this:

Every lesson

  • All lessons will begin with an activity that asks you to remember prior learning.
  • This will not only test the knowledge you learnt last lesson, but it will test the knowledge you learnt last term or even last year!

Outside of lessons

  • From September 2021, all pupils will be completing homework for all of their subjects via RAW Knowledge (Retrieval at Woodlands).
  • This is a quizzing programme designed by the people who make Tassomai, to improve your long term memory.
  • You may be set additional tasks to complete for homework by individual teachers, and this will compliment RAW Knowledge.

In every assessment

  • Every time you are assessed, you will be tested on everything you have learnt in that subject.
  • The act of constantly being asked to remember will help your long term memory and ensure you don’t forget previous learning.

What is Tassomai?


  • Once you start answering quiz questions, the programme works out which areas/topics you are are confident in and which areas/topics you need more help.  ​
  • The programme will then create your question queues to target the areas you need more support in. ​
  • This means no two pupils will be asked the same set of questions and it is personalised completely to you.​
  • You will be asked questions more frequently on the areas/topics in which you struggle to encourage spaced retrieval BUT that does not mean you will never be quizzed on other material.  ​
  • This should all help prevent the Forgetting Curve.

RAW knowledge at Woodlands

  • We recognise the importance of giving you opportunity to retrieve knowledge to support your long term memory and so we have created the RAW Knowledge homework programme with Tassomai. ​
  • We are the only school in the country using Tassomai across all subjects. ​
  • Questions have been written by your teachers, for Tassomai, to create RAW Knowledge and so they are bespoke to what you learn.​
  • Other schools are already jealous!
  • You will have three daily targets every day, one per bucket (they will receive questions from a range of subjects within each bucket):
  • You will need to achieve 50 points in each bucket to successfully achieve their target. 




  • If you consistently achieve your daily target and achieve your ‘bonus’ goal, the amount of points you need to achieve for your daily goal will decrease across the week.
  • Praise points will be rewarded if you consistently meet your targets and a whole school sanction will be in place for those pupils who fail to engage.


If you have any queries/issues with RAW Knowledge, please email